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- FLTI letter to JRCL - 02/06/2010

Buenos Aires, 2/6/2010

Dear comrades of the JRCL

With this letter we want to establish an urgent communication with you before the ongoing fights of the world working class.

On May 31st, 2010, the world working class has witnessed a new brutal massacre made by the fascist troops of Israel in international waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The troops boarded a convoy of ships that left from Turkey carrying humanitarian aid supplies as wheelchairs, cement and other basic needs for the starving and tormented Palestinian masses in Gaza. The Zionist fascist army of Israel murdered in cold blood 19 volunteers in the convoy, including 6 Turkish volunteers. There were more than 60 injured. Hundreds of the volunteers were put in jail in the gulags of the Zionist fascist state of Israel. The attack made by the Zionist fascist state against the convoy of humanitarian aid is the continuity of the attacks with snipers, bombing with choppers, selective shooting executions, chases and detentions that daily suffer the tormented Palestinian masses that don’t give up and fight back the attack and the siege of the fascist Zionist gendarme under the command of the murderer Obama and the US imperialist regime, supported by the European imperialist powers and Japan.
This attack of the murderous Zionist troops against the convoy of humanitarian aid is the siege imposed to the masses in Gaza after the 2009 bombing with cast lead operation led by Obama. This siege is legitimized by the agreements signed between all the imperialisms and the lackey native bourgeoisies of Middle East in Sharm el Sheik, Egypt. This way, they have imposed a blockade by sea and land to Gaza, destroyed by the phosphorus bombs, in order to leave it without infrastructure, medications, food, and now they even don’t let the ships of humanitarian aid to enter. Thus, they seek to break the masses in Gaza, that don’t give up.
The evil massacre on the high seas shook the international proletariat. Response mobilizations took place in the main cities of the world. In Turkey, Spain, France, England, Chile, Argentina, South Africa, sectors of the vanguard of the working class and the exploited took over the streets in support of the tormented Palestinian people, condemning the attack of the Zionist fascist state of Israel and the blockade it made to the masses in Gaza. The most advanced point of these fights was in Greece, where the masses that come from five general strikes, have taken in their hands the banner of the fight in support to the Palestinian people and fought against the murderous police with fights in the streets, when marching towards the embassy of the fascist Zionist state of Israel, condemning the massacre it made on the high seas.
From the FLTI we have assumed our internationalist obligation of being at the head of this fight, together with the vanguard of the world working class, to break the siege to Gaza. We’ve published emergency appeals to the world working class that we are sending you in the attached files. We are calling from every country in which we are to all the workers organizations to take forward internationalist actions immediately to break the siege imposed to the Palestinian people, for the working class and the peasants of Palestine to rise, re-take, and take to victory their fight for the destruction of the fascist Zionist state of Israel with a single revolution in the Middle East to expel the imperialist invader and defeat the native leaderships that sell the masses out as an exchange currency of their business. With these statement we’ll intervene in the demonstrations in Argentina, Chile and South Africa, and we’ll fight for it at a world level. In this last country our comrades are at the head of calling the working class and the exploited in Southern Africa to be at the head of this fight. Our comrades are part of the Anti-war Committee that have emerged and organizes the marches that happen every day to the soccer stadiums of the world cup to denounce the world imperialism, mainly Obama who commands the attack of the Zionist state. We are calling in that country and in the entire Southern Africa to march over the embassies of USA, the fascist Zionist state and the rest of the imperialisms.
The situation in Gaza is very serious. To end with the tragedy of the unprecedented sufferings that the Palestinian masses suffer locked in Bantustans, the heroic Palestinian working class needs of a decisive intervention of the world proletariat to break the siege. Comrades of the JRCL, let us join forces in this fight against imperialism and for the victory of the masses in Palestine. We cannot lose another minute more, which is paid by the masses with enormous sufferings. Together we’ll fight the leaderships of the workers movement that prevents this internationalist fight together with the Palestinian people and support the infamous siege. Let’s fight together for the international working class to take in their hands the fight of the tormented Palestinian people. Let’s call from Japan to rise the Japanese proletariat against the massacre of Zionism and for it to call the million men march against the war in USA and the dock workers in Oakland to break their subordination to Obama and hot cargo the ships, paralyzing the docks from where the ships with weapons leave for supplying the murderous US army, invader of the Middle East! Let us join forces against imperialism of the masses in the Middle East with those of the Japanese proletariat against the US military bases in Japan, defended by the military police regime of the imperialist corporations, hidden behind Hatoyama’s mask!

We could reed with a huge avidity the news about Japan on the enormous political crisis in the Japanese imperialism with the split of the government coalition (formed by the Democratic party, the Social Democrat and the New Party of the People, backed from the outside to Stalinism) and the resignation of the prime minister Hatoyama, as a pre-emptive measure to contain the hatred of the masses on the split of the masses with the lie of the imperialist popular front government of Bridgestone family, the Social Democracy, the Toyotaist trade union bureaucracy, all supported by Stalinism. We could see in your web page the marches that took place all over Japan condemning Hatoyama and its decision to keep the US military base, and only re-locate it, which obviously ended up causing its fall. We also saw with internationalist proud that you were at the head of this fights calling the vanguard to mobilize for “Down Hatoyama’s government! Let’s stop the construction of the USA new base in Okinawa! Let’s advance in an alliance of the anti-military fight in opposition of the oppression of the official leaders!” The situation, we believe, in Japan has turned convulsive. The regime will for sure try to channelize Hatoyama’s fall in the parliament and expropriate the masses this fight they’ve waged, setting up a new coalition for the government. We know Obama is travelling now to Japan, because it is key to support from the Japanese imperialism the military device they have to control the entire Far East, from Korea to Indonesia. We are looking for the positions of the Stalinist traitors who are silenced on these events, just as the fake Trotskyists.
We must say to the world working class that the only solution is to knock all the imperialist governments down and destroy its regimes and states. This is the only way, with the workers and socialist revolution, of putting an end to the suffering of the masses under the world economic crisis and stopping the path to war that is already drawn by the imperialist powers. Let’s not stop! Let’s put the imperialist Japan in the dustbin of history! Let’s set up the Soviet Japan together with the exploited masses in the Far East! Let’s unite the masses of the entire Far East in one single combat! We must call for an international workers congress of workers organizations of the entire Far East to unite all the exploited in one single class and one single fight! Comrades of the JRCL, together with workers and revolutionary students of Japan, you have all the authority to do it. Long live the revolutionary fight of the masses of Thailand that announce that the proletariat and peasantry of Indochina have entered again into the fight! Down with Hatoyama! Let that be the fate of the governments of the US and EU imperialisms and their lackey in Asia and around the world! The exploiters parasites deserve the response of the masses of Kyrgyzstan to be made all across the world! For the working class to live, imperialism must die!
Dear comrades, we were wondering if you could send us your writings translated into English on this, and the tasks that before Hatoyama’s fall you propose to the Japanese and international working class. We want to publish your fight with the Japanese proletariat immediately in our papers and call the whole world working class to that fight.

Comrades of the JRCL, we also want to fulfill our duty of making you part of the fights that the Argentinean working class has started, of which our current is at the head of them. We attach to this letter, being at your disposition for its publication, the communications and leaflets that our organization published.
From the north of Salta, in the northwest of the country, the crib of the revolutionary unemployed workers movement that with their fights in 2000 and 2001 gave birth to the revolution in Argentina, once again the deepest and most exploited and tormented of our class is rising up. The unemployed went back to blockade the routs and surround the US oil companies, plunderers of the oil of Argentina, from Salta to Malvinas (Falklands), to impose the conquer of decent work for all. Against each of the workers struggles that had begun, the governments have unleashed the fiercest repression. This happened in Salta, where for 15 days, totally isolated; the unemployed workers fought and resisted the repression of the forces of the state at the service of the imperialist oil companies.
Propelled by the huge sufferings of unemployment, inflation, cost of living, repression and jail for those who fight, the deep of the working class and the exploited masses in Argentina had begun a fight against the social pact that imposed Kirchner government, imperialism, the bourgeois opposition and the trade union bureaucracies and the unemployed movement. With their fight, brother of the fight of the Bolivian proletariat, the most exploited layers of the working class are rising against the expropriation of the Latin American revolution that imposed the Bolivarian bourgeoisies and the restorationist Castroite bureaucracy throughout the World Social Forum, backed in the renegades of Trotskyism.
Dear comrades, when the workers in the north of Salta were starting to launch the revolutionary combats in the year 2000, they had at their side the Japanese revolutionaries fighting against currents as PO that, as a Fifth Column attacked and chased principled Trotskyism to silence it and prevent it from joining the fighters of the revolution. Today, these fighters of the revolution, that vanguard which with picket lines, attacking the capitalist property and raising a program for the working class to fight the crisis expropriating the capitalist, opened its way to the Argentinean chapter of the Latin American revolution, once again have rose and need your help and internationalist solidarity from the heart of imperialism to carry its fight to victory.
History has shown that without the decisive intervention of the workers in the imperialist centres, calling to attack its own bourgeoisie to assist the freedom of their class brothers and sisters in the semi-colonies, it is impossible to achieve victory for the workers and socialist revolution. Without the decisive support of the workers of the imperialist countries, the fight of the workers in the semi-colonial world is inevitably isolated to be manipulated by the bourgeois or petty bourgeois nationalist leaderships that uses the masses as an exchange currency to bargain its cut of the imperialist exploitation. Let’s set up the proletariat of the imperialist countries together with their class brothers and sisters in the colonies and semi-colonies! For the expropriation without compensation of all the imperialist companies and place those under workers control! Disregard all the foreign fraudulent debts made to plunder the semi-colonial countries! Expropriation without compensation of all the imperialist banks!

Finally, comrades, and as part of the different sendings we’ve made with the resolutions of the second congress of the FLTI, we also send you:
a.- An international statement on the decision of the Castroite bureaucracy of attempting to fire one million workers in Cuba as part of the leap in the capitalist restoration in the island, which is attached translated into English. (see statement)
b.- Our statement on the fight of the Bolivian workers against the counterrevolutionary pact of Evo Morales and the fascists in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, signed by the Bolivarian bourgeoisies and the US and French imperialisms, supported by all the treacherous workers leaderships of the American Continent. (see statement)

We are anxiously waiting for your urgent reply to take forward in this fight together with the world working class and its most advanced battalions. In Greece, Kyrgyzstan, in the name of the Japanese proletariat, in the barricades in Thailand, in the tormented Palestine, in the attempts of the Latin American masses of rising against the counterrevolutionary pacts that the native bourgeoisies imposed, with imperialism, supported by the treacherous leaderships, the decisive fights of the world working class are at stake. There is not time to waste. The proletariat with its decisive intervention can take this fights to victory and change the world scenario, initiating a revolutionary counter offensive. Let us put our forces together with the masses of the world that fight against the treacherous leaderships to enter into the fight to win. The revolutionaries of the world have our fate tied to it.

Internationalist revolutionary greetings
International Coordination Secretariat of the FLTI





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